The Wound is Where the Medicine is Hidden

Shira Stardrift
5 min readFeb 26, 2021

My ancestors were medicine people

My ancestors were prophets

My ancestors we oracles

My ancestors were weavers

My ancestors were midwives

My ancestors were men who married themselves to Earth Mother- Goddess Lover

My ancestors were naked under Full Moons

My ancestors told secrets around fires

My ancestors shapeshifted into Selkie and then sand to hold the Ocean for Selkie to swim in.

They say the thicker, more bloody, scabby, misshapen and layers deep the wound- the bolder, brighter, Earth shifting, trauma shattering, love making, Holy redeeming- the medicine it is hiding.

My ancestors were burned

My ancestors live with screams inside of their bones- until now- until me

My ancestors stole lands to stay alive

My ancestors were driven by the horrors of genocide and trauma whose mission is to repeat itself and keep cycling through until it meets the one Grandaugter who remembers that she is not made of disease.

My ancestors fell prey to false gods to stay safe

My ancestors built white picket fences and manicured lawns to keep the pain away only to make more.

My Grandmothers said forbidden prayers in their hearts at night where the Devil could not hear.

The prayers must stay alive. Tuck them away for a some day- for her. They will pass through the womb. Everything passes through the womb. Bury them deep inside the one place made of everything they were once allowed to honor and praise.

The war against natural law, the attrocities against the heart, the ripping and raping of the feminine body is still the most prevelant act of terrorism against humanity we have and will ever witness. It disguises itself in vaccines that are simply a product of poison and a symptomatology that only points to traumas. It disguises itself in an external plastic world made shiny to look like God. It disguises itself inside institutionalized education making it look like you have a choice.

When the full picture is hidden from you — you have no, you have never had a choice. No one gives you choice but God. And God, I mean the Goddess force, I mean the Creator, I mean Jesus Christ light, I mean Mother Gaia, I mean the Great Benevolent Mystery, I mean LOVE, has been completely lost from you. Any action that degrades the life of any other living thing anywhere, that imposes itself upon the body of any living thing- is GODLESS. And it is the only choice you have ever been given. It began with our ancestors. If they didn’t choose the new ways of life that were forced upon them they would die- period. This echo lives inside of all of us. But guess what- it is a different time. Yet, your insides still live in a distant past.

You can heal. Lay down modern inventions disguised as do gooding and progress and heal your trauma. There you will find all of the answers you have been gaslit into denying.

Maybe you don’t want to heal, to help the Earth, maybe you just want to keep living how you have always lived, no change, no rocking of the boat- that is fine- but just name it. Just say you don’t have the bandwidth to face the fears in your heart. It is actually ok. I can respect that. But make a clear choice from a place that has really seen all of the options, that has looked at the entire picture clearly presented and sat with it for a while. Feeling all of your impulses to run from something you don’t want to hear. Don’t you want to know what is fear inside of you and what is truth? I don’t mean my truth- I mean your truth. The truth that is tied to the love that made you. This is power.

You don’t proof.

You know the entire picture. It is inside of your body. No other voice is more intelligent than the one that rises out of the incorruptible Godseed inside of you. From the heart, from the womb body space that knows the story of all creation and the truth of what miraculous power you are (w)holy made of.

But you will go into your wound, and the wound we all share to redeem your innate power.

The wounded, the silenced, the censored, the ones made to look crazy are where you want to look because it is where the nefarious evils have tirelessly tried to bury something they did not want to be seen because they can no longer burn you alive- but they would if they could. Which is why you deny, hide and turn away from and easily close your ears to other’s voices that might actually strike a chord inside of your heart. Where you would have to feel and turn yourself inside out of all the lies and fears that you know deep down are not aligned to what is good and true and beautiful.

So look to the most wounded and oppressed parts of society- the women. The feminine body which includes all Earth medicines, all marginalized peoples, spirituality (meaning alliance with natural laws of abundance and reciprocity- alliance with God). The native people who are silenced because the medicine they hold would collapse the unbound capitalist evil that is destroying Life by the swaths on a daily basis. The medicines of the planet that hold prophecy and memory of all things. Real science that does not dissect and seek proof of everything in “their” language to make something real. Incessant addiction to needing proof is a symptom of the oppressed feminine body.

I will step down now.

I am not wounded- I am laden with proof that there is a genius God seed inside of me, a Goddess force of Love so mighty that it would dissolve all weapons against the heart and fill every human with the innate, vital, sovereign power that restores Life to balance.

I bow to my ancestors. I bow to a Goddess force of mystery that has brought me face to face with God by way of my wound- proving to me that ALL things rise from LOVE.

